Jun 20, 2023Liked by Kate Davidson

Thank you for your consistency of writing, it’s such a great reminder that this is hard and I shouldn’t belittle the battle it is in my mind. The thought of never is very real to me. Thank you please keep going x

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Another wonderful piece, Kate! I experienced the same horrible feelings, tried to cut back, that didn't work. It wasn't until I was in my mid 30s when I started waking up to the shakes, DT's! Nothing more humiliating than needing a drink to just brush your teeth. It took me 3 years, of hell, before I finally got sober for good. I had quit for 6 months and thought I could control my drinking. Nope! Had to go into rehab again... My story is a carbon copy, for the most part, of all alcoholics out there!. I am no longer embarrassed and am an open book to whomever needs to hear my story...❤

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